Do you spend too much time calculating the employee’s salary?
Do you track down ascertaining workers’ compensation an extremely monotonous interaction Assuming this is the case, keep perusing to read this review before you are frustrated? I will impart to you why you should utilize finjinn to compute representatives’ compensation. The justification for why numerous organizations are beginning to utilize finjinn is an accounting application to calculate the employee’s salary with deductions including deductions. It makes computing finance a lot more straightforward with no errors.
Finjinn permits you to work out expenses and calculate salary just in no time, only by recording your basic details of the salary and the company norms electronically. This application has numerous different highlights. So before you buy any payroll software, just give it a try and get amazed at its works.
Finjinn and its benefits
Done magically
All your calculations get done automatically without any errors. You only need to approve. This includes:
- All your salary & compliance
- Compliant with all Indian laws
- Attendance, Leaves, Expense, etc.
Our liability
Compliance, the biggest stress of small businesses, is entirely ours to sort. PF, PT, ESI, everything! We’re so sure that we guarantee a refund if we miss anything.
- All your taxes filed
- All state laws adhered to
- A written guarantee that you’re covered
Unbelievably simple
Payment of salaries and compliance get done in seconds with just an OTP and your approval. Dot on time and error-free. That’s how efficient and simple we’ve made payments.
- A finjinn Digital account
- Paid with just one click and an OTP
- Set-up by employees
And more
There is so much packed in this ‘calculation and payment solution’, that it is probably easier to experience than to explain.
- Employee self-service (ESS)
- Super easy to set up
- All on the Mobile
- Leaves, expenses, attendance captured
Use your time wisely
You didn’t start your business to spend your time calculating salaries, and compliance and stressing overpayments. And here are some reasons why you shouldn’t.
- It can be done automatically
- You’re not an expert in it
- You should focus on your business
Your team is everything
It is the heart and soul of your business. For any business to work, you need to work on keeping the bond strong and healthy
- Maintain Transparency, It builds trust
- Professional systems attract professionals
- Make your team feel valued, It builds loyalty
We have taken away every reason for you to stress about anything. You can go about your business with a calm mind knowing that we have your back.
- No tensions with compliance payments
- Zero errors in calculations
- Complete control of your time
Having Finjinn is like having a Genie for calculations and payments of salaries and compliances. It gets done automatically!Finjinn automatically calculates salaries, files taxes, and makes all payments from a virtual autopay account.
You just need to approve payments by entering an OTP and you’re done.
Finjinn automatically suggests compliances applicable to
your business and gives you a written guarantee that your business is compliant with all payroll laws.
Your compliance is entirely Finjinn’s responsibility and it pays your penalty if it falters.
Key features:
1. Salary & tax calculation on autopilot
2. Salary payments on autopilot
3. Compliance payments on autopilot
4. Virtual autopay account
5. Employee self-service
6. Leave & attendance management
7. Expense claims management
8. Income tax planner

Finjinn is ideal when your organization has a lot of workers as it will computerize the finance cycle and save you a ton of time. Likewise, it will decrease the room for giving and taking as we are not doing the computation physically. Your organization is most certainly to develop greater sometime in the not so distant future, So better install finjinn application for free and more diminishes computation mistakes. Download the app now. It’s FREE FOREVER!
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