If you want to look for a way to save paper whenever you’re making rent, divorce or any kind of contract, all you need to do is get SignSquid. SignSquid is an innovative way of signing contracts electronically, without the need of the signatories being present. Say goodbye to faxes, printers and scanners and say hello to efficiency. Signsquid is a web application, which means that you don’t need to download any additional information in order to sign contracts. The only thing you need to do is make an account there and log in so you can upload your contracts.
The whole process is about getting a contract on PDF in order to upload it to the server. This allows your signatories to review and let you know if they are okay with everything that is stated within the contract. When the contract is ready to sign, you call your signatories and give them a generated code from SignSquid. This prevents unwanted people to sign the contract and it gives you peace of mind because everyone has read the contract and will sign it personally while talking to you on the phone. Nobody can even guess a generated code, so everything should be as clean and legal as possible.
So what happens when both signatories sign the contract? The contract cannot be modified once both signatories sign, in order to make it officially legal. If there was something that needed to be modified, then you would have to make another contract through Signsquid. If you or your signatories would like to view the contract later on, they are able to do so through Signsquid. Your contract lasts up to three years on the website unless you notify the staff to leave it there even longer.
Signatories are able to log in through Signsquid to view their contract, only if you give them access to see it, so nobody but them can see the contract once they have received the email in order to log in. How secure is Signsquid? Signsquid protects your information in their database through encryption and they have two security measures to sign contracts, through email and by phone when you give them the signing code, which ensures the identity of the signatories. If this signature is challenged in court, all you need to do is let Signsquid know, so that they pay any legal fee required to present the evidence. What is so great about this is that the same lawyers that audited Signsquid will eventually prove the validity of your contract and the signatures.
Think about what your clients think when you make a tedious process seem easy, secure and completely legal. They will eventually recommend your service to their friends and family. You will have the advantage and the satisfaction of helping the environment by having your contracts electronically. This great service is available for a simple, affordable price and you can try the service out for thirty days! There is no credit card information required for you to try this service and have as many contracts as you like. You will be able to access, but not modify or make new contracts when the trial is over. You have nothing to lose and a lot to win. Every contract costs less than a dollar and you pay nine dollars a month for ten contracts. That adds up to ninety cents per contract and it gives you the space to purchase a few contracts to see how you like Signsquid. Remember that Signsquid was made to avoid any kind of delays and problems involved with making contracts.
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Web App Link : Signsquid Official Website
We relesed more plans and pricing : https://signsquid.com/plans-and-pricing/