Finding a sitter is usually far from an enjoyable task. After all, you’re leaving your child with a stranger! How do you know if they’re trustworthy? What have others said about them? With NannyHunt, finding a local trustworthy sitter is easy. You can check out the app on iOS and Android today.

The app has been dubbed the “LinkedIn for babysitters” and leverages the power of social media to find quality sitters near you. You can search by location and the app looks for caregivers who have been personally recommended, rated or reviewed by your family, friends and close connections. This way, you have more peace of mind knowing you have a sitter who has been used and recommended by someone you know. To create a transparent, honest environment, parents are also reviewed by sitters.

Payments are very uber-esque, pre-agreed, electronics and totally cashless. It’s a safer way to handle payments and ensures that there are no awkward moments or last-minute negotiations when it comes to paying your sitter.

So whether you’re long overdue a date night and can’t find a sitter, or you need a little help taking care of your kids when life gets hectic, NannyHunt helps you find the perfect sitter for your little ones. Download the app now on iOS and Android!