If you’re a businessman, then money transactions must be a day to day job for you. There are so many clients and payment has to be done on the right time each time so that the healthy relationship remains intact. But with the online platform expanding its limits day by day, there are more and more clients who prefer to get paid and pay online; the main reasons being transaction between countries and fast process. PayPal is one of the leading online money transfer websites that is being used by most users. It now has access to maybe all the countries where banks are. So if you have both accounts i.e. your local bank as well as PayPal, then it becomes to track them both at the same time. But I guess a proper solution has also made its ground on the right time. Let’s check it out!
The solution I’m talking about has come off in the form of an iOS app called OutBank US. The app has been developed by stoeger it GmbH and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and requires iOS 6.0 or any later version of the OS. The app has also been optimized for iPhone 5. Going with the stats available on the iTunes page of this app, they have more than a million customers currently and that’s really a huge achievement. So let’s find out what they have on the offer to attract such a massive crowd.
The app gives you a collective solution of local and internet banking. Just add your information regarding different accounts and once you’re done, you can make transactions from your phone and track them as well. You can send as well as receive money and you can also track your expenses. So you have the complete report of how much you’re being credited each day and how much you debit from your accounts. Then you can also see your available balance in all the linked accounts.
[screens url=”https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/outbank-us/id632563791?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D4″]
When an app is dealing with money transactions, then security is the primary feature that decides its fate. In this case, all your transactions are encrypted as in any bank transaction and therefore there is no margin of error and for hackers to breach the system. The UI of the app is very intuitive as you can just slide down the different tabs and there’s much more than just transactions. You can add contacts, documents and moreover you can search your previous transactions without going online as they are saved right into your device.
The app is available for free in the App Store and overall I think that you can’t afford to miss it. If you deal with both accounts, I think it’s a must have as it really fastens the process of payment. Moreover, they have already supporting American Express cards and are working to support more cards soon. So it’s much more convenient to use this app than opening up your PC and doing the same.
Download Outbank US
Surprisingly cool app, even if it’s developed in Europe and not in the valley!
What is clearly missing: Some more banks. I mean Bank of America, AMEX and Paypal is nice within one app and it works quite well. But: What about my ChaseInk and WF credit cards?
Anyway, it’s definitely better than carrying three, four different bank apps on my iPhone!