Hello everyone, I use IceBreaker App 3 days before during my date. I found some points from my own view which I thought to share with you all. But first of all, I would like to introduce to this app. This mobile app is a dating app but it’s not about finding the GF or BF in nearby your areas. It’s all about knowing your partner well with some few questions.
In my opinion dating is not as easy everyone think. To go in smooth flow you need to responsive and active to the conversation. Everyone have a different concept of date, but I prefer a decent table talk. You can read some of my experience with this app.
IceBreaker App Working Strategies
The first step is very common as you need to download and install it in your phone. Once you done, click on Start button. The question will appear on screen and you need to either ask or answer the same to your partner. You need to swipe to get next question.
Like this, you will finally meet with “The End” & questions will be over
Where Icebreaker is available?
This app is paid and it is available at Google Play Store & Apple Store as well.
What makes IceBreaker unique?
IceBreaker is a dating app but it provides a way to keep on going your conversation at the time of candle light dinner or a simple lunch.
What are features of IceBreaker App?
- App is available in the dual language English & French as well
- The app is easy; you just need to swipe the questions on the screen
- Make a bridge to come two partners closer
- Questions are sensible and meaningful
- Keep the continuous conversation
What was about my date?
Well at the time of my app, I answer all the questions honestly and she also does the same. We had a great time too in keep going the things easy. It helps me in knowing her well and additionally, I also get many things. Fortunately, we found many things common.
Last words about IceBreaker App:
In the last, I would say that the app is really helpful and have some great concept. The main benefit is that you can have a decent date with the help of this app. Thanks to the developers who bring on this concept & let people know the actual meaning of date.
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