Generally when you run a business, you are always searching for every possible way to increase efficiency, cut costs, and save time with resources. Achieving to get a paperless office not only will benefit the environment; it will also assist you to streamline operations and to reduce expenses. There are always benefits to reduce paper usage and waste.
How to go paperless?
There are applications which will primarily help you to begin reducing paper usage without too much struggle. If you like to take notes all the time, this app can be very helpful. GoodNotes 5 provides a paper-like experience for iOS devices allowing in taking handwritten notes in digital, multi-media notebooks or annotating PDF, PowerPoint, and Word documents. All notes are searchable and you’ll never have to worry about losing or misplacing them again. GoodNotes 5 lets you organize all your formerly paper-based information in a single place.
As Natural As Writing on Paper
You can create and write in digital notebooks or import documents, images, websites, emails and more. It is possible to use one of many supported styluses Apple Pencil included or your finger to write like on real paper. GoodNotes’ primarily pioneering vector ink engine provides a fluent, precise and completely natural writing experience.
Always Find What You Wrote
It is stated that everything is indexed. Search your handwritten notes, typed- or PDF text across all documents. Quickly find the right documents and folders and open them from the search results. The same powerful OCR technology also lets you convert handwriting to typed text to export it to other apps or create text boxes in GoodNotes.
- All Your Notes With You At All Times
- Sync your notebooks across all your iOS devices using iCloud.
Don’t Worry About Making Mistakes
- Unlimited Undo & Redo
- Powerful and smart eraser
- Lasso tool to rearrange, resize, and rotate your handwriting or change colors
Customize Your Notebooks
GoodNotes comes with a large set of beautiful covers and paper templates. Included are: Essential papers in common standardized sizes, meeting templates, device-specific papers, monthly & weekly planners, Cornell note paper, legal pad paper, dark paper, checklists and more.
If you want more personalization then you can import any image or PDF into the template library to reuse it over and over again.
Quality and Effortless Document Management
- Group documents and notebooks in folders
- Create shortcuts to important folders, notebooks or single pages with one tap
- Search across all notes to find what you‘re looking for
Convert your iPad into a Distraction-Free Digital Whiteboard
It is possible to keep your audience focused on what’s important: Presentation mode allows you hide all distractions on an external screen when you connect your device via HDMI or AirPlay. You can use all of GoodNotes’ tools, including the Laser Pointer on the iPad, while your audience only sees the page and the content.
Moreover GoodNotes empowers you to give more engaging presentations, lectures, and lessons. You can move around freely and interact with the audience while adding new information to the digital whiteboard for everyone to see.
Magical Drag & Drop Support
- Drag documents into your library to save them
- Drag images to your notebooks and write on them
- Export documents from GoodNotes by dragging them to other apps
- Drag handwritten notes to text editors and convert them to typed text automatically (Depends on receiving app as well)
- Drag screenshots into GoodNotes to annotate and save them
Special Features That Make Goodnotes Unique
- All the tools you need for taking notes: Fountain Pen, Ball Pen, Brush Pen, Eraser & Highlighter
- Shape Tool: draw perfect shapes and lines (Color filling & Multi-Stroke Shapes are supported, too)
- Lasso Tool: Rearrange, resize, & rotate notes and images. Convert handwriting to typed text. Change the color of the pen and highlighter strokes.
- Auto-Advancing Zoom Tool: Write neatly and fluent
- Image Tool and Text tool: Comfortably add and edit images and text boxes
- QuickNotes: The fastest way to create new notes and start writing right away
- Export of whole notebooks and documents or choose to export one or more pages
- Import and annotate PDF, PowerPoint, and Word documents
- Toggle between open notebooks with one tap
- Switch between list view and thumbnail view to display your notebooks in the library
- Flexible scrolling direction horizontal or vertical
- Rest your hand on the screen with the built-in first-in-class palm rejection
I’m a huge fan of this kind of genre, and GoodNotes 5appfalls right into that best quality category. I can see GoodNotes 5as best app that user will be returning to for a while.