When people are on the look out for online ways to earn money, they may be afraid of the fraudulent internet people who give out many offers to gain money from people instead of making them earn. If you are an adult looking for some fun way to earn money without getting cheated then Cash Royale is something you shouldn’t miss.
Falling under the Games category in the App Store, the app is suitable for people above 17 years of age. Developed by EtherSportz, LLC, the app is one of its kind and is much addictive.
This exciting game will keep you entertained for hours as it comes with the Vegas theme. The app is available in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish. The app allows you to play with others in large, multiplayer tournaments as well.
Cash Royale is a one-to-one game that allows you play with competitors. All you have to do is to drag blocks to the board and fill rows to clear them out. The game is similar to that of the tetris game. There are various shapes on the board that you have to fit together to clear out. Each of these shapes have different points. As you gather shapes with more points and crack them, you attain more. What I like more about the app is the pause/resume option at the top that most apps lack these days. The app has a timer that goes running at the top. It also keeps track of the coin/points you have earned. The app lets you to play for fun. You can also play for cash if the option is available for your country.
Cash Royale allows you to score points by clearing lines. You can challenge like-skilled players on the Skillz network. The app allows you to put higher value cubes to fill the row thereby enabling you to gain bonus points. All you have is a time limit less than three minutes to beat your opponent.
The cash tournament option is available for almost 75 percent of the countries across the globe. A competition platform including leaderboards, trophies, cash or virtual currency prizes, and an amazing loyalty program are available in this app. The app is available on the App Store only for iOS devices.
Cash Royale is a productive game and will definitely help you earn big.
Worth Having App – Download the App