The need to be connected to an internet network is more than meaningful nowadays with internet opening up all sorts of opportunities and information for the user. It may sometime happen that your internet balance is exhausted and you can only get connected through Wi-Fi. In such cases, a network scanner can come handy which will not only scan the available networks but will also scan the available ports in order to make you connected. One such application is presented by Anthony Rioux named as Hex Map Network Scanner. It is a free to install app on android devices and can scan the networks quite efficiently and early.


The app, Hex Map Network Scanner, is an uncomplicated one with the user needing to push just one button. Make sure to keep your Wi-Fi connection on while using this app. There are just two buttons in the app and they will do the needful for the user. Once you install the app and open it, you will get a button named Ping Sweep which is nothing but host scanning button. Once the host is found the next step would be to find the open ports. Port scanning will search the available services and will give you the chance to be connected. This is something very basic and very easy to follow and that is all about the app.



  • Hex Map Network Scanner is a simple app that helps you scan the available Wi-Fi networks with a simple click of a button.
  • The app comprises of only two screens. The first screen will help you scan the available hosts while the next screen will scan for the available ports that are open.
  • The app provides an easy way to stay connected without using mobile internet.
  • The first screen will show a progress bar till the time it searches for available hosts. It is possible not to reach to the maximum capacity in case there is a network problem from the provider’s end.
  • The app also provides you information about IP / MAC / DNS Host / Vendor while searching the host.
  • This app is a security tool and can also be effectively used for network mapping.
  • The app is available for android devices with android 2.3 or later.
  • The version 1.0 of the app takes around 1.8 MB space on your device.
  • The app is available for free in the play store.

Summary: Hex Map Network Scanner is an app in the play store which can be used to scan live hosts and available open ports in order to stay connected.

Good: The app is available for free and can be used for professional purpose.

Bad: The app does not have 3G connectivity and can be timed out at times.

Worth Having application :  Download the App