It’s always a good idea to keep track of your cash flow. To see what you’re spending, where you are overspending and where you can save money. It is a common thought among people to control their expenses more wisely, however, often it is not easy for everyone can do it, sometimes due to lack of knowledge about expense tracking apps or sometimes due to availability of connection.
There are many apps can help you track your expenses, budget, and money however, when we were looking for a free expense tracker that will help you track income and expenses, we found Expense Manager developed by Bitscharm. What we like most about this money tracker and expense tracking tool is that it allows you to track your daily expenses and track where your money is going. These budgeting apps are free and reliable. They can help you create money budgets. It is also possible to create a monthly or daily budget using the budget planner. The app will undoubtedly help you save money and meet your financial goals. Users generally search for apps that can help them track their money, track expenses, track their money and save money.
This free expense tracker will helps you track income and expenses. App’s inbuilt tracker and expense tracking tool allow you to track your daily expenses and track where your money is going which can help you analyze your previous expenses and to create monthly money budgets. It is also possible to create a monthly or daily budget using the budget planner. This way you save money and reach your financial goals.
Some of salient features of the app:
- Simple yet intuitive UI
- Filter expenses by category
- Check historical expense report
- Export reports in pdf and excel
Final Verdict – The Expense Manager app is the go to app for all Money Management & Free Budget for anyone who likes to keep track of expenses and make budgets and want to share the data in pdf or excel format right from the comfort of using it through mobile.