We all know that Know your competitor is a familiar saying for a good reason. Even though your competitors are not enemies, it’s key to know and understand the apps competing for the attention of the people you like to sell from your user base. Before you begin investing in professional app tracking services, here are some things you can do to get to know your competition for actually free.

Search Simply

One could find the simplest way to find your competitors is to search the Google Play and Apple iTunes app stores for the keywords and phrases most relevant to your app. It is noted that the top 5 search results in the app store for each relevant keyword could be regarded as competing apps, and you must add these to your list of competitors to research further.

Actively Check out Your Competition’s Content

It is important though to download and install the competitor app to discover how its functionality actually compares to that of your app. You can also view the content of the app download page. One could also get valuable details and inspiration from the text, images and video preview of your competitors use.

Get answers by asking following questions like

  • How lucrative are the images?
  • What quality keywords and phrases do the competitors use in the app name and description?
  • What type of style is the description written in?
  • Do these address the target audience expediently?
  • Most importantly, think of the features in your app that are missing or lacking in competing alternatives.

Study Reviews and Ratings

You can also read the reviews of your competitors’ apps. Find users complaining about most? What type of features do they applaud most about the competition? Low user rating on competing apps could be golden opportunity to implement a smart app rating feature in your app to effectively shine above the competition.

Important to Read the Release Notes

The update rate of your competitors’ apps is vital factor, but no less important is the content of these updates. You can also read the release notes to discover what new features and improvements your competitors are adding to their apps.

Also get more assistance from AppMarketingPlus for effective App Marketing.