Infinite Basketball – this is one game that will keep you thumbs glued to the screen all day. It is an arcade kind of game made to look like something out of those arcade booths kids used to play back in the 80s. With a pixelled kind of layout, this game was made for simplicity.
The game is about basketball players trying to shoot some hoops at a basketball court. Your job is to time balls passing directly under player on the screen and tap them at just the right time. Tap too early or too late and your player misses.
It is so easy to play at first but as the game progresses the player begins to jump through the hoops. Now, not only do you have to time the ball, you have to time the jump as well. Miss a couple of hoops and you start over at that specific stage.
Infinite Basketball contains a lot of characters you can switch across to avoid monotony. As an added challenge, each character works on a different timing. So you have to fine-tune your swift, ninja-like tapping skills to the specific character to get an upper hand.
Needless to say, this is one game that requires a high level of concentration to enjoy. I think the developer knew this all too well. No wonder they decided to put a weird t-rex, doing weird stuff in the background to distract you. Gets me every time!
This is one game you wouldn’t want to play if you have short-temper issues, though. Because as you progress through the levels the pace picks up and you need to focus on more and more things. This makes you miss hoops more times than you would like to try. The frustration just might make you smash your screen.
In Infinite Basketball Lag is definitely not an issue with this game. The speed is great. I think this has to do with its low-resolution pixel kind of layout. The user interphase is also heavenly – it is easy to get a hang of.
As hinted at earlier, this game is pretty much old school. If you ever played one of those arcade booths, you will absolutely love this game. However, the developer needs to keep up with the growing technology if they are really aiming at the success of the game.
Although it may have an appeal to adult users, not many youngsters would enjoy playing this game when there are other great 3D games on the market. It may be good for the developer to consider improving the resolution for a more entertaining gameplay.
Download the Inifinite Basketball