Banks and credit card companies are nowadays using the best technology available to make sure that no hacker gets through their system so easily. But the negative side is also strong and clever enough to figure out new ways and weapons to pierce the protection wall. That is why we are being asked to keep our secrets to ourselves like our ATM pin, bank passwords, etc. But then there are so many that we can’t remember them all at once and if we just forget one out of the list, it takes a lot of effort to claim it back and generate a new one. So we do need a safe place to hide them all at and we all know that such places are rare in existence now. So the only thing left is to replace all the passwords with one: for the vault.


I am talking about the new iOS app called Scan and Protect that has been developed by Foxomo. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad and requires iOS 4.3 or later version of the OS. The app has also been optimized for iPhone 5. For security reasons, take this discussion to as many ears as possible around you.


The app serves the purpose of a security vault much like a bank locker where you can place your important and confidential documents worry-free. But they won’t be actual documents instead their scanned copies which you can make with the help of the in-built camera. These scanned copies will be encrypted using 256-bit crypt key and this level of security is being used in banks. So you can imagine it yourself the safety of the hands you are dealing with.


Other than these safety features, the app also provides readily customizable folders to place your documents in. You can edit the old ones and create new ones very easily. Also, another feature that I liked very much was to control the quality of the scan. It’s obvious that the higher the quality of the scan, the slower is the encryption speed and sometimes the time it takes to open the document irritates us more than if it had not been an HD scan. So the developer allows you to select the quality of the scan from low to high yourself. Moreover, you can copy your documents as well as email them if you want.


The actual price of the app is $5.99 which seems to be a little high but is still acceptable for the sensitivity of the documents that are being stored. But this is truly amazing: the app is available for $2.99 for the first three days of its launch. I don’t think that you could have got a better offer than this one. Go for this one before the price tag restores to its original!

Pros: 256-bit encryption; customizable folders; copy and email your documents; 50% off on first 3 days.

Cons: the original price is a little bit higher.

Apps400 Rating :   *  *  *  *

Download the App Here