PIN Genie Vault is an All in One Vault that safe all types of your private files for your phones, iPads and watches. The vault can encrypt from essential data such as photo album and contacts to locations and logins.

The app is wonderfully designed and boasts flawless functionality, getting accurately what it sets out to accomplish. First and chief, PIN Genie Vault supports files of any format: photos, videos, vital contacts, notes, and more. From this, it allows the user to encrypt existing files or simply create and safe new notes, contacts, and other files directly within the vault. The encryption feature also permits users to share private files by selecting a photo/ file, blurring it, and setting a specific PIN that only you and the receiver will recognize. Once the receiver gets your note, they will be capable to unlock with the undisclosed PIN.


Whether reverse up in the cloud, or close on a device, PIN Genie Vault make easy the protection of personal documents on any iPhone, or Apple Watch. These new security features are due to the use of the latest formula, a state of the art formula which clearly guards browser search history and keeps six digit pins hidden. Decoy passwords are predominantly unique to PIN Genie Vault, as they permit users to make a fake password to give to family and associates that will allowance them limited access to the phone, but will keep your private files totally unseen.


We have listen to many tragic stories regarding PIN numbers being stolen and illegal abusing another’s iPhone to do very bad belongings remark a member of the PIN Genie Vault team. He continue to explain that our job is to resolve this dilemma in an well-organized manner, and we think PIN Genie Vault achieve that and more.”

This safety application is so much more than a program that conserves your files and information from unnecessary parties. Even faint information sometimes desires to be shared, and PIN Genie Vault permits you to do so while maintaining its encrypted status to stop unwanted exposure. This innovative sharing process is vital for budding entrepreneurs, academics, or anybody with sensitive data save in their gadget Another cool new feature allow the user to take photos of others or themselves, but control obscurity by instantly pixel ting the people face. Practically, this feature happen from admired demand.


Its end user encryption makes sure safe sharing with other people throughout trusted third party service providers. When you share your file with somebody else, this app will encrypt it. The file will only become accessible to the recipient once they enter the four digits PIN that you have designed especially for the file. You can rest certain that your files that will only be seen by the right person.

While this revolutionary app boasts faultless functions, there is one drawback. PIN Genie Vault can only reconsider files on Apple Watches. With full encryption ability accessible for iPhones and iPads, it would be nice to be capable encrypt on Apple Watches, too.

Worth Having App – Download the App