Like most cellphone users, your LG G5 isn’t just a phone. It’s a major part of your life, acting as your alarm clock, calendar, gaming system, library, and camera when you aren’t busy shooting off texts or taking calls. When you use your smartphone as often as you do for as much as you do, you’re going to want to keep it in good working condition. The slim, affordable addition of a skin is the easiest way to continue to use it as your ‘everything’ without fear of ruining your mobile.

Keeping it uncovered just to accommodate the modular technology is not option. Even with a careful touch, it leaves the G5 to too much jeopardy. You can throw it on the couch or your bed from where it might bounce to hit less forgiving surfaces; you can throw it in your backpack where it floats around with other loose (and sharp) objects. It’s not even safe in your pocket, where it shares space with change and keys. Eventually, daily use will rack up quite a few dents, scuffs, and scrapes.

No phone looks good with damage, which is why protection is such a crucial addition to your G5. While many will choose to go with hard plastic cases, this prevents you from accessing the removable bottom bezel. The only way to access the swappable component of your LG is by removing the case altogether. Anyone who’s exchanged a module will know that this is a precarious process, as the bezel is tightly fitted into the phone. A little bit of pressure is needed in order to slip it out. Under these volatile conditions, it would be easy to drop or throw pieces of your phone.

A skin, on the other hand, is cut into four individual pieces that accommodate the bottom bezel. You never have to remove one or all of these parts in order to change modules, which means the phone is protected at all times – including in the middle of a swap-out. In fact, its texturized surface makes it even safer, as the G5 skin’s surface provides a better grip for your hands. Adding a bit of traction where you need it most, the chances of flinging your LG mid-swap lowers exponentially. It even helps during more pedestrian activities like texting and Snapchatting, as the grip keeps your cell from slipping through your fingers.

With a durable skin wrapped around your mobile, it will be safe even when you aren’t using it, including when it’s left to float in bags or skid across tables. That’s because it creates an airtight, waterproof, and grime-resistant covering that saves the G5 from scratches, dirt, spills, and scuffs. Best of all, this covering can be customized to your liking. The top designers of skins know that individuality is a must when it comes to their products. That’s why the creators at dbrand offer up as much choice as possible when it comes to the colors and patterns available in their skins. Take a look at to see what sort of selection is waiting for you. You can choose a different texture or color for each piece of the skin, so you can create an entirely unique look.

Looks, of course, aren’t everything. The functionality of your phone the device that you rely on so much – is your main priority. With a cover that improves its grip and saves it from damage, you won’t have to worry about ruining your valuable gadget.